Pretrial Probation for Car Dealer Charged With Possession With Intent to Distribute Marijuana

Law Offices of Stephen Neyman Team

Our client deals in antique cars throughout the country. In July of 2018 he was pulled over for several motor vehicle violations. The officers made him get out of his car, searched him and the interior of the vehicle and located a significant amount of marijuana and paraphernalia that indicated the drugs were intended for sale, not personal use. We challenged the legality of the stop, search and seizure a few years ago. We were able to suppress most of what was seized. What remained of the criminal charges was possession with intent to distribute marijuana under G.L. c. 94C section 32C. This is a misdemeanor in Massachusetts. Today, the district attorney agreed to pretrial probation under G.L. c. 276 section 87 for a 30 day period. All charges will be dismissed. More importantly, the money unlawfully seized from the defendant will now be returned to him.

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