Minors in Possession of Alcohol

Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 138 Section 34C prohibits minors from knowingly possessing, transporting or carrying alcohol. Exempted from this law are persons between the ages of 18 and 21 who carry alcohol in the course of employment. This crime is punishable by a fine of up to $50 for a first offense and a fine of up to $150 for second or subsequent offense. If you are convicted of this crime, it will be reported to the registrar of motor vehicles, and your license will be suspended for 90 days.

How Serious is the Crime of Minor in Possession of Alcohol?

While these relatively small fines do not seem very serious, having a MIP on your record can create hardship down the line. High school students applying to college will have to explain the MIP in such applications, as will college student applying to graduate schools. An MIP can also come up in trying to obtain a professional license and in applying for jobs. Both parents and the minor charged are typically very concerned with such consequences. Judges and district attorneys are usually sympathetic to people facing this charge particularly if the accused has no criminal record. We usually get these charges dismissed at the first court appearance. You should contact an experienced criminal defense lawyer if you have any questions about minors in possession of alcohol.

Massachusetts Criminal Defense Lawyer

Stephen Neyman has more than 20 years of experience in criminal defense and can help you and your family to fight a minor in possession charge. The goal is to avoid having this on your criminal record so that your future will not be affected.

An aggressive criminal defense lawyer like Stephen Neyman can help you to avoid having to explain this on college and graduate school applications, in job interviews, and in all other such situations. Do not wait to contact a lawyer, because it is critical for the lawyer to become involved at the earliest moment possible.

Law Offices of Stephen Neyman, P.C. 617-263-6800

The Law Offices of Stephen Neyman, P.C. is a Boston-based criminal defense practice that represents individuals all over Massachusetts. If you or a loved one has been accused of being a minor in possession of alcohol, speak with Stephen Neyman today. He can help protect your future and do everything possible to make sure that there will be no obstacles in your way. You can reach Attorney Neyman’s office by calling 617-263-6800 (24 hours a day and 7 days a week) or you can send him an e-mail.

In addition to minors in possession of alcohol, Stephen Neyman handles other crimes with which college students might find themselves charged. Arguments while drinking can sometimes lead to brawls, fist fights or property damage. Drinking can also lead to unsafe or regrettable sexual encounters that could provoke sex crimes accusations. Obviously, drunk driving is another possibility. Attorney Neyman successfully represents persons accused of:

  • Drug crimes
  • OUI/DUI/drunk driving
  • Date rape
  • Sexual assault
  • Assault and battery
  • Statutory rape
  • Fake ID possession
  • Disorderly conduct
  • Shoplifting
  • Larceny

If you have been charged with any of the above, or if you would like to talk about any other criminal matter in Massachusetts, contact the Law Offices of Stephen Neyman, P.C. today.

Case Results » Minors In Possession Of Alcohol

Charges of Minor in Possession of Alcohol do not Issue After Clerk Magistrate Hearing December 15, 2020 The defendants are freshmen in a local college. Several months ago they were at a restaurant dining and drinking alcohol. Police officers assigned to an alcohol task force entered the restaurant. They quickly observed the group with drinks in front of them and appearing to be underaged. The officers asked for driver’s licenses. All defendants provided valid driver’s licenses and all were under the age of 21. The officers exercised appropriate restraint, took all relevant information and summonsed the individuals for a clerk magistrate hearing. Our office was hired to represent three of these men. Each was charged with violating G.L. c. 138 section 34, minor in possession of alcohol. At the hearing we prevailed on the clerk not to issue the complaint. All matters will be dismissed in a few months. Read More in Clerk Magistrate Hearings

Charges of Minor in Possession of Alcohol and Procuring Alcohol for a Minor and Falsifying Identification do not Issue After Clerk Magistrate Hearing June 21, 2019 The defendant is under the age of 21 and going into his sophomore year in college. On April 5, 2019 local law enforcement agents were conducting surveillance of a liquor store known to sell to minors. The officers observed the defendant exit a car and go into the store. The car in which he was traveling was registered to a college student at a local campus. That student was a minor. According to the police report the person exiting the car appeared young as well. The officers saw the defendant leave the store with a large bag. They approached him and learned that he had just purchased a significant amount of alcohol. When asked how he was able to buy the defendant produced a falsified driver’s license. Officers learned that he was under the age of 21 and that he was buying for under aged persons as well. The defendant received a summons charging him with minor in possession G.L. c. 138 Section 34C, procuring alcohol for a minor G.L. c. 138 section 34A and having in his possession an altered or falsified identification under G.L. c. 138 section 34B. Attorney Stephen Neyman was hired to represent the defendant. After a contentious clerk magistrate hearing we were able to convince the clerk magistrate not to issue the complaint. Read More in Minor in Possession of Alcohol

Pretrial Diversion for College Student Charged With Minor in Possession of Alcohol and Resisting Arrest September 2, 2015 The defendant is a college student who was home for summer vacation. He hosted a party at his home when his parents were away. Everyone attending the party was under the age of twenty one. The police responded to a call for a disturbance at the home. They arrived and quickly learned that the people attending the party were consuming alcohol and not yet the legal age. The host was questioned by the police. The information obtained during the interrogation prompted the officers to arrest the young man. He resisted. He was charged with minor in possession of alcohol and resisting arrest. Today, Attorney Neyman was able to get him pretrial diversion pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 276A. He was never arraigned on the case and will have no criminal record.


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