Client Reviews and Testimonials

April 30, 2019
“Mr. Neyman won my assault trial”
When I refused to marry my girlfriend she became violent. She is from Haiti. I left her and she filed assault charges against me. She filed for asylum as a victim of domestic violence so that she would not get deported. I never touched her. If I lost this case I would have lost my job and my medical license. I immediately hired Attorney Neyman after reading reviews on his website. This was the best decision of my life. Mr. Neyman won my assault trial. The jury believed that this was a total fabrication and an attempt to avoid deportation after we broke up.

Dr. Wayne L., oral surgeon in suburban Boston

April 22, 2019
“The legal system works if you have a lawyer like Steve”
I am in this country for almost six months and getting arrested for drugs. I was passenger in a car with my cousin friends. The charges was trafficking cocaine and I never sell drugs. I hire Steve after my brother use him for stealing. I first have a public defender who tell me I am going to jail for twelve years unless I take a deal to eight years. Steve got my case dismissed and tell the judge that the police lie. The legal system works if you have a lawyer like Steve.

Bautista Santiago, Dominican Republic

March 30, 2019
“Steve got my rape case dismissed”
I was blindsided when I got arrested for rape. I barely met this girl and had not seen her in at least two years. The district attorney asked for a high bail. Steve got me a low bail. The district attorney kept stalling. Mr. Neyman asked the judge to make them speed up the case because I didn’t do anything. Steve pushed them and made them work. Steve got my rape case dismissed by fighting and making the district show evidence rather than make untrue statements in court without backing them up. He is the best lawyer around. Thank you Mr. Neyman.

Trevor J., Topsfield, Massachusetts

March 17, 2019
“Attorney Neyman proved that my ex-girlfriend was lying”
I am a dentist in Massachusetts. I broke up with my girlfriend and she threatened to ruin my life. She meant it. Within a few hours after our breakup the police were at my house. I was charged with assault and battery on a household or family member. I hired Steve and he immediately searched and saved all of my ex’s social media. At the trial Steve used the social medias to show that she was lying. He also got security videos showing that she was not telling the truth to the police. Once Attorney Neyman proved that my ex-girlfriend was lying I knew we were going to win the trial. The jury found me innocent in ten minutes.

Kamran P., a truly grateful client

February 17, 2019
“Steve won my sexual assault case”
My girlfriend’s ex-husband told the police that I sexually assaulted her. This never happened. I was charged with indecent assault and battery under fourteen. I had to go to trial or my life was over. Steve charged a lot of money but my friend told me he was worth it. We went to trial. The judge was definitely trying to help the prosecutor and Mr. Neyman would not let that happen. He got all over the judge. The jury saw him fight for me. I believe this is why Steve won my sexual assault case. He just kept fighting for me and would not let the judge interfere with the jury’s independence. Steve Neyman is the best.

R.K., Braintree, Massachusetts

February 7, 2019
“He recommended a cross-complaint and my case got thrown out”
I was charged with domestic violence. I never did what my ex told the police I did. She was the one who came at me when she thought I was cheating on her. I went to Stephen Neyman’s office and hired him. He recommended a cross-complaint and my case got thrown out. No other lawyer even thought of that idea. He is patient and walks his clients through all scenarios.

Gerard. K., CEO software engineering company in Boston suburb

January 26, 2019
“He was honest with us from the start”
I go to college in Boston. I was selling weed to help pay for my apartment. I sold to undercover cops. I thought I was going to jail. My parents hired Steve. He was honest with us from the start. He told us we were in for a fight. He filed motions that accused the cops of violating my rights. The judge believed our motion and we won. The district attorney had to dismiss the case after this. I am so glad we hired him. Saved my life.

L. Min, student in Boston

January 13, 2019
“He got my case dismissed and I wasn’t even arraigned”
I am not from Massachusetts. I moved here for work a few months ago and things were not going well for me. I got drunk one night and got into a fight in the lobby of my apartment building. The guy I got in a fight with got hurt but he lied and said I hit him with a metal pipe. He also told the police that I destroyed his car. I was charged with many felonies. I work in the high tech industry. I thought my life was over. I hired Mr. Neyman. He continued my arraignment several times. He worked restitution deals with the guy I got into a fight with and the car insurance company. He got my case dismissed and I wasn’t even arraigned. This guy saved my life.

Robert C., western Massachusetts

December 20, 2018
“The jury said not guilty in twenty minutes”
We had a three day trial. As the case went on it looked better and better for me. Steve really knows his stuff. After it was over I was sure I won and I was right. The jury said not guilty in twenty minutes. Whatever Steve wants for money pay him. It’s worth it.

Jeremiah P., Concord, Massachusetts

December 5, 2018
“Great trial lawyer”
Stephen Neyman is a great trial lawyer. You know this as soon as your case starts. He fought for me. He did not back down from the prosecutor or the judge. A court police told me that I was with the best lawyer. This made me feel good and confident. He won my case and he will win yours if you hire him.

Will G., Fall River

November 21, 2018
“He got my rape case dismissed”
I was on a date made through a dating app. The woman and I had sex and I went home. She called me several times to go out again and I did not want to. A few weeks later she had me charged with rape. I was shocked. I had saved all of her texts and emails and hired Stephen Neyman. Before things got out of hand he got my rape case dismissed. It was worth the money. I did not have to go to trial. This was the biggest scare of my life and I hired the perfect lawyer for the job.

Zhao, T, Boston, Massachusetts

November 13, 2018
“I should have hired Mr. Neyman right away”
I was on business in Boston and got into trouble at my hotel. I did not think it was a big deal since I did not do anything wrong. I called lots of lawyers and went with a guy who was least expensive. Big mistake. I should have hired Mr. Neyman right away. I’m glad I eventually went to him. He took action immediately and got my case dismissed. My other lawyer took forever and did nothing for me. Be smart. Don’t waste any time. Hire Steve. You won’t regret it.

J.R.M., College professor in another state

October 16, 2018
“I went to the right lawyer”
Steve is a no bullshit lawyer. He tells it like it is. He told me where all the problems with my case were and what we needed to do to get a good result or win. He did a suppress motion that won and the case was later dismissed. I went to the right lawyer.

Abran Rivera, Lynn, Massachusetts

October 9, 2018
“I knew I had the right guy”
I had never been in trouble before and did not know where to go. I talked to dozens of lawyers and got all kinds of opinions and advice. Some of them tried to scare me. Some tried to convince me that defending me was no problem and I had an easy case. I was confused. When I talked to Mr. Neyman I knew I had the right guy. He told me that the charges were serious but that if what I told him was true we had a good chance of winning. We literally met once a week for about six weeks before trial. Steve got me ready to testify at my trial. He was right about everything. There was nothing the district attorney could ask me that I had not already answered when Mr. Neyman questioned me. We won the trial. I am forever grateful.

J. Lessard, Port Gibson, Mississippi

September 27, 2018
“‘Not Guilty’ after week long trial”
I knew hiring Steve was the move to make. Hearing those words “Not Guilty” after a week long trial was sweet. There was never a doubt in my mind that Mr. Neyman would win. He spend hours with me explaining how trial works and what to expect. He got me ready to testify. He knew every question the district attorney would ask me. Brilliant lawyer.

Saul P., Account Manager with Boston investment firm

September 6, 2018
“Mr. Neyman did what he said he’d do and got my son out of jail”
My son got hiself into some big trouble. We know this gonna be a battle but for new we just want him out of jail. We called Mr. Neyman after my cousin say he good. Mr. Neyman did what he said he’d do and got my son out jail. Glad we got him for my son lawyer.

Everyl B., Boston

August 28, 2018
“All charges got dismissed”
I had no idea it is a felony to carry a switchblade. The police saw it on me and gave me a summons for court. When I was arraigned the judge said this was a felony. My parents hired Mr. Neyman. All charges got dismissed.

Jim C., Landscaper

August 6, 2018
“We won the case”
I am not a citizen. I am from another country and within a few days of entering Massachusetts I was arrested and charged with a serious drug case. I heard horror stories about criminal defense attorneys not returning calls, making promises they could not keep and being unprepared for their client’s case. Mr. Neyman was representing someone from my country who knew my wife’s family. I called him. He gave me his cell number. He returned all of my calls. He texted me. He gave me copies of my papers and went over everything with me. He was very patient. He told me that we had a tough case but that if my witnesses trusted him he would have them prepared from trial and we had a fighting chance. He was right. He met with all the witnesses many times. They were well prepared for their testimony. We won the case.

Benito Torrez, Guatemala

July 17, 2018
“He was able to show that someone else did what I was accused of”
I am a corporate lawyer in New York. I was in Massachusetts and charged with a crime that I did not commit. I left an event and was jumped by the police. They claimed that I had sexually assaulted someone in a bar. I never heard of that bar and was never in that bar. My firm had recommended Attorney Neyman to clients in the past with criminal cases in Massachusetts. I called him. He immediately obtained the security footage from the bar on the night of this incident. He was able to show that someone else did what I was accused of. He was also able to establish my whereabouts at that time through witnesses and receipts. Steve got my arraignment continued. He was later able to get the charges dismissed before I was arraigned.

William A.T., Partner New York law firm

July 10, 2018
“…money well spent”
I got accused of hitting my wife. She called 911 and the police came. She did not want to press charges but the district attorney said she had no choice. Even when she said she would not testify they told her they would prosecute and use the 911 recording. Mr. Neyman came highly recommended so I called him. He listened to the 911 call and told me that he might be able to get it thrown out. He filed papers and the judge agreed with him. The 911 recording could not be used and the case got dismissed. That was money well spent.

B.R., CEO of a stock trading company

June 25, 2018
“I hired the right attorney”
For six years I was in default on a theft case. I was afraid to go into court. I thought I was going to jail. I had a CORI check at work for a promotion and they found the case. I needed to get this fixed or I would be fired. I found Steve through a friend who had a shoplifting case dismissed thanks to Steve many years ago. He was fantastic. We went into court. The default was taken away and the case got dismissed right away. This was all done in less than an hour. Everybody respects him and knows him. I hired the right attorney.

Melinda T., Cambridge, Massachusetts

June 15, 2018
“We took this case to trial and won”
For nearly eighteen years my baby mother takes me to court anytime she can. She lies, gets restraining orders, says I threatened her or hit her. I hired so many lawyers with mixed results over the years. I finally hired Mr. Neyman for my most recent case. He went back to get the records from all my past cases to show how she lie constantly. We took this to trial and won. Mr. Neyman went at her with all the lies. Everyone in the courtroom knew what she had been doing once he was done questioning her. I wished I knew him before. He is the best lawyer I ever had.

Luis M., Boston, Massachusetts

May 10, 2018
“My gun case was dismissed before the arraignment”
I had a gun on me and I was not licensed in Massachusetts. I was shocked when I heard that I was looking at a year and a half in prison. I never got in trouble before and my wife just had a baby. Every lawyer told me I was going to jail. Steve was different. He listened to me and took my case to the district attorney. We had a meeting with the prosecutor and some of the officers. I was amazed that Steve knew everyone. My gun case was dismissed before the arraignment. My military career was saved. Thank you Steve.

An officer in the military

May 1, 2018
“Mr. Neyman got me pretrial diversion”
When I was a senior in college I had a problem with a guy on my floor. He accused me of stealing his money and breaking into his room. I had to go to court for two felonies. Mr. Neyman got me pretrial diversion. I had no idea what a great deal this was until the other day when one of the guys I work with on Wall Street got fired for the same thing even though he was found not guilty. Just avoiding having any record showing that I got charged saved my life. If you get into trouble hire him. He’s the best.

F.S., Investment Banker in New York

April 28, 2018
“Both my drug cases got dismissed”
I had two drug cases with the same police officer. My first lawyer wanted me to cop to 2 years. He said it was a great deal. I went to the web and saw Steve Neyman’s case results. I called him and we went over my case. He told me that he would try to get the judge to dismiss the cases cause of bad cop problems. He also told me that if this did not work jail was going to happen and that my first lawyer got me a good deal for a plea. I liked the way Steve speaks good about everybody and I hired him. He had motions. The judge agreed that I was set up by a bad cop. Both my drug cases got dismissed.

Jadzia Rodriguez, Malden, Massachusetts

April 9, 2018
“What a great result”
What a great result. I hired the Neyman Law Firm on a domestic assault case. My citizenship interview was just a few months away and my immigration attorney told me I was going to be denied if I the case was not completed. I told this to Mr. Neyman. He told me he would move as quickly as possible but that he would not risk the best result. I appreciated his honesty. He kept his word. My case was dismissed in just under 6 weeks. I am a proud citizen now and I owe that to Mr. Neyman. I recommend him.

Aditya P., Software Engineer, Cambridge, Massachusetts

March 28, 2018
“Stephen Neyman kept me out of jail”
When I got arraigned the judge held me without bail and said I was dangerous. I was told I had to stay in jail for 120 days and still face mandatory time for a gun and drugs. Steve won my father’s case more than twenty years ago before I was even born. My dad remembered him and hired him for me. Stephen Neyman kept me out of jail. He went to court in one day and got me out. I never had to go back. My case is over and now dismissed. No record.

Lorenzo, N., Lawrence, Massachusetts

March 13, 2018
“The Best!!!”
Stephen Neyman is the best attorney in Boston. He made sure I had no criminal record. The Best!!! He got my son a not guilty.

MJ, Los Angeles California

February 22, 2018
“This is the only lawyer I would recommend”
So I was looking at getting deported from a case I got over twenty years ago. I was pulled over last month for running a light. The cops found a some cocaine in the car and charged me. When I got out of court the feds got me for that old case. My friend from Peabody used Mr. Neyman for this stuff about five years ago so I hired him. He got the judge to remove my old conviction because of bad immigration warnings. He won my new case too. This is the only lawyer I would recommend. He wins. Everybody knows him and likes him.

Raoul Fernandes, Salem, Massachusetts

February 6, 2018
“Mr. Neyman got the whole thing thrown out”
As a teenager and in my early twenties I got in a lot of trouble. I have been clean and out of the courts for over twenty years. I picked up a case last year and thought I was going to jail. I got Mr. Neyman’s number from a friend who used him for the same kind of case. I was hoping for a CWOF but I knew that was wishful thinking. I was wrong. Mr. Neyman got the whole thing thrown out. Best guy.

Jason V., Braintree, Massachusetts

January 23, 2018
“A consummate professional”
What Steve says happens – 100% of the time. This was my experience. He is a consummate professional who KNOWS the judges, DA’s, ADA’s etc. that are assigned to your case. He is sharp, thinks on his feet and leverages his professional wisdom and knowledge. Steve is no nonsense & street smart. Three felony charges were dismissed – against all odds.

K.R. Everett, MA

January 22, 2018
“Case dismissed. Thanks Mr. Neyman”
I really thought I was going to jail. My ex-girlfriend accused me of abuse and she called the police. When they showed up she showed them my gun. It was not correctly registered in Mass and I got papers to go to court. I hired Steve. He walked me through each step of the case. He always answered my texts, calls and emails. He never promised me anything. But they way he worked in court I knew he was going to fix this. Everyone knows him and everyone respects him. He got me case dismissed. Thanks Mr. Neyman. I recommend him highly.

W.F. Former military enlisted man. Proudly served and did four tours.

December 27, 2017
“He got my rape case dismissed after three weeks”
I am from California. I was visiting Massachusetts and met a girl. We had sex in my hotel and later that day I got arrested for rape. We did not know who to hire. My family friend lawyer knew Mr. Neyman and told my parents to hire him. He got me out of jail that day and I was able to go back to California. He got my rape case dismissed after three weeks and I did not have to go back to court. Incredible result. He is worth the money.

Chen J., Los Angeles, California

December 12, 2017
“Best lawyer in Boston”
I have a record a mile long. Any time I hired a lawyer they told me to don’t worry. Steve was different. He told me to manage my expectations. He took all my calls. He gives his clients his personal cell number. He emails back. Mr. Neyman is the best lawyer in Boston. He kept me out of jail and got me a CWOF even with my long record. I wish I had him years ago.

Tyler Jackson, Boston, Massachusetts

November 21, 2017
“Stephen Neyman’s law office delivers”
I caught a drug case when I was on probation for a stabbing. Everybody told me I was going to jail. My mom hired Steve on a Saturday when I was locked up with no bail. Steve got me out on Monday. Two weeks later I had my superior court probation violation hearing. Steve kept me out of jail. Stephen Neyman’s law office delivers. He did what he said he would do. If you are reading this and you are looking for a lawyer stop now and hire him.

D.M., Worcester, Massachusetts

November 1, 2017
“Steve Neyman got rid of my restraining order”
The scariest day of my life was when I woke up to police officers serving me with a restraining order. I worked with the person who made got the order and it was her way of trying to get me fired. Mr. Neyman was my cousin’s lawyer on a drug case and I called him. Steve Neyman got rid of my restraining order that day. Above and beyond anything I expected.

Ali M., Marblehead, Massachusetts

October 31, 2017
“Mr. Neyman got me a dismissal with the Valor Act”
I did a real stupid thing carrying a gun with no license even though I could carry it where I am from. When the cops arrested me they told me I was going to jail for a couple of years. I hired Steve. He answered all my family’s calls and made me comfortable with what was going on. Mr. Neyman got me a dismissal with the Valor Act because I was in the Army. Thank you Mr. Neyman. I recommend you.

Billy H., North Carolina

October 19, 2017
“Attorney Neyman got my felony charges thrown out”
I am in college. I am happy to write about my experiences with Mr. Neyman. I had many felonies against me from a stupid night of drinking and acting up. I thought I was going to jail. My roommate’s older brother used Mr. Neyman for his case more than ten years ago for drug trafficking. I called and Mr. Neyman remembered my roommate’s brother and his case. He knew that he was married with kids now and working in Atlanta. I knew right then I wanted him as my lawyer. Attorney Neyman got my felony charges thrown out. I got no problems with my school either. Best lawyer ever.

JLC, Boston College

September 26, 2017
“Mr. Neyman was honest with me from the start”
When I met Mr. Neyman I was impressed right away. He didn’t get me excited about my case and he didn’t try to make me nervous. He said good things about all the lawyers I was looking at. I knew right then that Mr. Neyman was a confident experience attorney. He told me to manage my expectations and that we would be in a dog fight. This was a domestic violence case and my ex wanted me to go to jail. Mr. Neyman was honest with me from the start. The case played out just like he said it would. We won. Other lawyers tried to scare me so I would pay them more money. Steve didn’t. If you want to get the best result hire Steve Neyman.

Riley C., Peabody, Massachusetts

September 20, 2017
“Steve got my rape case dismissed”
I was charged with raping a woman who I knew and admitted to being with. I never raped her but the first lawyer I had told me to plead out and he could get me a three year deal. I didn’t want to plea out to something I didn’t do so I looked around. I found Mr. Neyman who told me that if didn’t do this he wouldn’t let me take a deal. He told me to fight the case even if that meant going to trial. Once we went into court I knew I had the right guy. Everybody knows Steve. He keeps fighting. After several months Steve got my rape case dismissed. No one is better than Steve Neyman.

BVC, Cape Cod

August 31, 2017
“Mr. Neyman got me out of jail”
I was arrested for rape. I didn’t do it. I was held in jail for three months. Then my mother hired Mr. Neyman. Mr. Neyman got me out of jail two days after he was hired. He kept me out and fought the case until it got dismissed. I can tell you how great a lawyer he is. The judges all know him and him and respect him. You can tell by the way they talk to him. If you are reading this HIRE HIM. He is the BEST.

William, C., Wellesley, Massachusetts

August 2, 2017
“Steve makes you feel like you are his highest priority”
In September of 2016, I was charged with three felonies (2 gun crimes and one charge of misleading a police investigation) and contacted Steve Neyman for a consultation. I had called late in the evening expecting to leave a message, Steve answered the phone at 9:30pm, he said it was fine to call him and talked me through the situation, told me what to look out for if I was consulting with multiple attorneys and explained all my options and how I should proceed from there. I had no prior interactions with the judicial system so I was completely unaware of how criminal legal matters were handled. I walked him through the events of my situation and he listened intently. He was interested in hearing what I had to say. His patient and calm demeanor allowed me to provide him with the entire background of my case. Through the next 11 months, Steve repeatedly demonstrated his skillful knowledge of the law, his unrelenting drive to support me, and his compassion as an individual who had a vested interest in my welfare. At each step in the process, Steve provided me with information about what would happen during court appearances so that I was always well prepared. With each scenario, he would provide me with the knowledge that I needed in order to make a decision. He always laid out all of the options and we would discuss risks associated with each possible outcome. He made sure that I was comfortable with how we were proceeding at each step. (A few jokes at court sessions also really helped lower the tensions and anxiety of the situation.) When I did have questions, I was welcome to email, call, or text him. He would respond to my messages or return my call within a few short hours or less. I never had to follow-up with him a second time because he is so invested in his clients. Steve makes you feel like you are his highest priority regardless if it is a five minute phone call or a court appearance. By the way, all charges dismissed well before even getting to trial. Thanks Steve & team.


July 31, 2017
“Steve got my drug case dismissed”
I was charged with selling cocaine. The police said they saw me selling several times for three months. When I was arrested the cops said they found me in possession of 32 grams of cocaine. This was all made up. None of it was true. I never even saw drugs. I had two lawyers before I hired Steve. They both told me to take a deal. I went to Steve because I was told he fights and listens to his clients. Everyone was right. Steve returns all calls and meets with me whenever I felt the need. Steve got my drug case dismissed. He listens to his client. Thanks Steve.

Jimmy Marcotte, Saugus, Massachusetts, a very grateful client, Thanks again Steve.

July 17, 2017
“Attorney Neyman is simply the BEST defense attorney”
Attorney Neyman is simply the BEST defense attorney, period. I found myself in a dire situation that could have effected my personal and work life dramatically – I was facing the possibility of a very bad and public outcome. I landed on Attorney Neymnan web-site after some research for attorney’s dealing with my type of situation, and after reading the other reviews, I wondered if he was to good to be true. Let me assure. Attorney Neyman IS THE REAL DEAL. From the very first interaction with Attorney Neyman, it was clear he was a seasoned professional with a deep understanding of the judicial system in Boston (Just look at his track record and testimonials). He gave me very realistic possible outcomes (all favorable) and he is a straight and plain communicatory. I was extremely nervous due to the uncertainty of the situation – his steady demeanor helped to put me at ease. Everthing Attorney Neyman said played out exactly as he had described. My situation was dismissed in the hearing with no record. I couldn’t have asked for a better outcome. I truly feel like i have my life as well as peace of mind back due to his expertise. Attorney Neyman is worth 10x his weight in gold. To retain an attorney with his experience, know how, and track record – his fees are a STEAL. If you’re at this web-site like I was and wondering to call, stop wondering and call his office NOW. I’m an VERY happy I did. Thank you again Attorney Neyman!


June 13, 2017
“If I hired anyone else I would have been deported”
I am not from this country. I visited a website for dating/sex. I was arrested. I have a Masters Degree and would lose everything if I was convicted. I hired Steve. He got my case dismissed. If I hired anyone else I would have been deported. He is worth the money. Hire him.

Reyansh P., Weymouth, Massachusetts

June 3, 2017
“He take all my calls and fight hard”
My son had a gun case in Lawrence. We met with many lawyers. They all told us the case was hopeless and my son would go to jail. I knew the gun was not his gun and he didn’t want to plead to something he did not do. My sister told me to call Mr. Neyman. He represented her boyfriend twenty years ago and won his drug case. Mr. Neyman told us that no one should ever pleading guilty if they don’t do it. We hire him and he get my son case dismissed. He take all my calls and fight hard. Best lawyer.

Mariana V., Lawrence, Massachusetts

May 23, 2017
“Stephen Neyman cares about his clients”
Almost twenty years ago I got into some trouble. I was involved with gangs, shootings and drug sales. I was not even 20 at the time and I picked up a big superior court case. I was looking at fifteen years mandatory and felony convictions. My mother met Steve and told her about me and my case. She hired him and he got my bail lowered right away. Two years later we went to trial and won. Steve kept in contact with my family ever since. I got my college degree and my masters. Stephen Neyman cares about his clients. I owe him my life. I just saw Steve the other day downtown Boston. He immediately started talking to me, asking me about work and my family. There is no better lawyer or person than Stephen Neyman. Thanks again Mr. Neyman.

Darius T., Boston, Massachusetts

May 2, 2017
“Attorney Neyman got my gun case dismissed”
After I got arrested for carrying a gun I hired a lawyer. The lawyer told me to plead guilty and do the eighteen months or the case would go to superior court and I would do state time. I told him the cops were lying and I didn’t do this. He didn’t believe me. I called Attorney Neyman after a friend told me about him. He wanted to fight the case. Attorney Neyman got my gun case dismissed. So glad I hired him. I recommend him to everybody now.

Thiago R., Lawrence, Massachusetts

April 22, 2017
“Attorney Neyman wins his cases”
My friend told me to hire Steve. He told me that Attorney Neyman wins his cases. He was so right. Great advice to hire Steve. He is the best. You can call him anytime on his cell. Great guy. Thanks for your help Mr. Neyman.

J. Baramel, Attleboro, Massachusetts

April 14, 2017
“Stephen Neyman is worth whatever he charges. He is the best criminal defense lawyer in Massachusetts”
I got into financial trouble and started dealing drugs to pay the bills. I got caught several times. A friend told me to hire Steve. All cases were dismissed. Stephen Neyman is worth whatever he charges. He is the best criminal defense lawyer in Massachusetts.

Addison C., Medfield, Massachusetts

March 25, 2017
“Mr. Neyman got my case dismissed and I didn’t even have to go into court”
Several years ago I was charged with shoplifting. I was visiting from another country. I was supposed to be in court but I left because I had a flight home. I had no idea that years later this would prevent me from traveling to the United States. I hired Mr. Neyman. He was very honest with me and told me that it was going to be difficult to get this warrant removed since I missed court in the first place. He said I might be wasting my money, to manage my expectations and consider whether or not I wanted to take this chance. I was so impressed with his honesty that I decided to take a chance. In less than three months Mr. Neyman got my case dismissed and I didn’t even have to go to court.

W.A., Singapore

March 17, 2017
“My drug cases were dismissed before arraignment”
I picked up a drug case in Roxbury. One felony and a misdemeanor. My dad hired Steve to represent me. Mr. Neyman asked for a continuance of the arraignment so that he could take a close look at the police report. The judge let him do this and we went back to court six weeks later. My drug cases were dismissed prior to arraignment. I highly recommend Mr. Neyman.

J.A., Concord, Massachusetts

February 20, 2017
“Stephen Neyman kept me out of jail”
I hired a lawyer who made me cop out to drug charges two years ago. I never wanted to plead but this guy told me I had to or I would go to jail. I am an addict and I never sold drugs but I plead to it because this other lawyer sold me out. When I got caught using my probation officer surrendered me and tried to get me in jail. My parents hired Steve right away. He went into court and confronted the probation officer and gave proof of my drug problem. Stephen Neyman kept me out of jail and got me into a program. I have been clean ever since. Mr. Neyman also got my plea reversed. I have no record now. I can’t thank him enough.

Shintoul, Boston, Massachusetts

February 14, 2017
“If Mr Neyman didn’t get my case dismissed I would have lost my job”
“Sometimes people make mistakes. They do things impulsively that they regret. That doesn’t mean that they should spend the rest of their life paying for this mistake”. This is exactly what Mr. Neyman told the judge when he asked for her to dismiss my case. The judge agreed and the case was over. If Mr. Neyman didn’t get my case dismissed I would have lost my job. Steve was worth every penny.

Billy D., New York City

January 26, 2017
“Best criminal defense attorney in Massachusetts”
I was facing two years in jail for drunk driving. I had prior convictions because I plead guilty on my lawyer’s advice. I was not going to do this again and fortunately I found Steve. He met with me whenever I needed and got me ready for trial. He met with all my witnesses and prepared them to testify. He caught the police in lies and the jury see that. Steve is the best criminal defense attorney in Massachusetts.

V.V., Cape Cod

January 18, 2017
“Mr. Neyman got me out of jail”
I was charged with a crime I did not commit. The district attorney asked the judge to put me in jail and schedule a hearing. My first lawyer didn’t do anything and they locked me up. My family hired Mr. Neyman for the case. Things changed right away. Mr. Neyman got me out of jail and then got my case dismissed.

Dave Semeklis, Dover, New Hampshire

December 28, 2016
“Glad I hired the right lawyer”
I got into some trouble driving and leaving the scene. I didn’t think much about this until I got a notice mailed to me requiring me to go to court. I called several lawyers. Most of them made me feel scared. Not Steve. He walked me through the process and assured me that everything would be okay. He was right. My charges got dismissed at a hearing before they became criminal. I am glad I hired the right lawyer.

T.W. Johnson, North Reading, Massachusetts

December 17, 2016
“He won my father’s case. He won’t get deported”
I come from a very close hard working family. My parents have been married over 30 years. My father came to here from Mexico and never got his papers. My cousins said he did some very horrible things to them with sex. Touching and things like that one. The only thing we could do was hire a lawyer and fight. Mr. Neyman spent many hours with me, my mother and my brother preparing for my father’s trial. He met us on night times and weekends. I had a good feeling about him from the beginning. He won my father’s case. He won’t get deported. Mr. Neyman gave us his cell number and always answered our calls. He is the best lawyer. The best.

E.C. Boston, Massachusetts

December 13, 2016
“I thought I was going to jail. He got my case dismissed”
Hiring Mr. Neyman literally saved me. I thought I was going to jail. He got my case dismissed. I was at a really low point in my life and made some real stupid decisions. The police officer who arrested me told me I better find a great lawyer. I did. Thanks Steve.

Jovana, Bronx, NY

November 17, 2016
“Best criminal lawyer in Boston”
Mr. Neyman is the best criminal lawyer in Boston. He always took my calls or called me back. He explain everything to me and gave me his personal cell phone. He win my son drug case. Thank you Mr. Neyman.

Mariana S., Lawrence, Massachusetts

November 9, 2016
“Mr. Neyman got my bail reduced and got me out of jail”
I got arrested for a domestic assault and held without bail. The lawyer I had said he was going to get a trial and I would have to stay in jail until the trial. He told me it would be nine months. My family got me Stephen Neyman. Mr. Neyman got my bail reduced and got me out of jail the day after he got the case. He also got me a not guilty after trial and I didn’t lose my job.

Robert V., Newton, Massachusetts

November 2, 2016
“Stephen Neyman’s law firm got my gun case dismissed”
I got arrested for having guns I thought were legal. I brought them to Massachusetts from the state where I lived before. The police took them after a restraining order got put on me and I got charged with it. Stephen Neyman’s law firm got my gun case dismissed in just a few months. I will tell everybody to use him for a lawyer if they pick up a case.

Billy S., Ayer, Massachusetts

October 28, 2016
“Steve Neyman is the best criminal defense attorney”
I met with two attorneys who both told me to plead guilty and go to jail. They told me they could get me a two year deal and that maybe I could be paroled after one year in jail. There was no way I was going to plead out to something I did not do and then register as a sex offender. I went to Mr. Neyman’s office and right away I knew he could help me. He got a new court date and put some papers in. The judge dismissed my case. I tell everybody Steve Neyman is the best criminal defense attorney anywhere.

Marcos G. Dorchester, Massachusetts

October 4, 2016
“Best criminal attorney in Boston”
I was charged with trafficking cocaine. I was looking at 8 years in jail. Before hiring Attorney Neyman I met with many lawyers who told me my case was bad and I was going to lose and get deported. Mr. Neyman told me that there were ways to get my case dismissed. He also told me that the case was a tough one but to be patient. In just less than a year he got my case dismissed. Steve is the best criminal attorney in Boston. Thank you for representing me.

August 26, 2016
“He got me out of jail and got my case dismissed”
When I got arrested the judge put a high bail on me. My first lawyer never tried to get it reduced and never visited me in the jail. When my wife thought I was going to have to stay in she hired Mr. Neyman. He got me a bail reduction hearing that afternoon. He got me out of jail and got my case dismissed. Without Steve I would probably still be in jail. I recommend him to anyone who gets in trouble.

Ryan L. Lynn, Massachusetts

August 4, 2016
“Hiring Attorney Neyman was the right decision for me”
I have been in business for over forty years and dealt with dozens of lawyers for business issues. When I got in trouble for allegedly stealing from vendors several of my business lawyers told me to hire Mr. Neyman. So glad I did. He made sure none of the cases went to court. I can sleep at night again. Hiring Attorney Neyman was the right decision for me.

Billy H., Easton, Massachusetts

July 27, 2016
“He got my DUI case dismissed”
I never had any legal problems until this year. I lost my job, my wife left me and I started drinking heavily. This resulted in a drunk driving incident. I got into an accident with a parked car. The police came, put me through some tests and arrested me. My sister heard about Mr. Neyman and hired him to represent me for the DUI. Mr. Neyman was extremely patient with me. He guided me through this process every step of the way. I initially wanted to plead guilty and have this case put behind me. Steve suggested that I wait and try to get the charges dismissed due to some illegal stuff the cops did. I am so glad I listened to him. He got my DUI case dismissed. Thanks Steve.

WTT, Wayland, Massachusetts

July 20, 2016
“He is definitely the best lawyer around here”
My girlfriend put a restraining order on me when she found out I had been cheating on her. She accused me of hitting her and threatening her and doing some things to her daughter. My brother had used Mr. Neyman two years earlier and won a big a drug case for him. When I hire him the restraining order gets removed right away. Mr. Neyman and his investigator found witness who prove that my girlfriend was lying and the case never go to trial but it get dismiss for me. He is definitely the best lawyer around here.

J. Sanchez, Marlboro, Massachusetts

June 9, 2016
“I will always recommend that people hire Steve…he is the best”
My brother was being held in ICE custody. He was going to be deported. He had been convicted for selling drugs to a cop at a club years ago, before we had met Mr. Neyman. We thought that he was for sure going to get deported. Steve got the judge in the state court to reverse the conviction. He did this quickly and thanks to him my brother was released and never got deported. Other lawyers told us that the case was hopeless. Steve never made any promises but he made us feel that things were going to be okay. We made the right decision. I tell everyone this story. I will always recommend that people hire Steve. He is the best.

Jemolla, Salem, Massachusetts

June 3, 2016
“He won my motions and got my case dismissed”
I had a lawyer who kept trying to make me plead guilty to drug trafficking. One day while I was in court waiting for my case to get called I saw Mr. Neyman doing a motion to suppress on a drug case. The case was a little like mine. He impressed me the way he kept fighting. He made sure the judge listened to him. Afterwards I talked to his client who told me that was nothing compared to the other fights he had for him and won. I switched lawyers hiring Attorney Neyman for my case. We never had to go to trial. He won the motions and got my case dismissed. The other lawyer wanted me to cop to 4 years. I am glad I was in court that day to see Neyman in action and hire him.

Eladio Jiminez, Colombia

May 18, 2016
“He got the case dismissed before I had to go into a courtroom”
I grew up in a small town in upstate New York and went to Boston for college. My family didn’t have much money and I needed scholarships to go to school. I was caught shoplifting over $1,000 worth of clothes from an upscale store on Newbury Street. I got on the Internet and found Mr. Neyman’s law firm and was impressed by his experience and results. I hired him and he got the case dismissed before I had to go into a courtroom. My school never found out and if they had I would have lost my academic scholarships. He really saved my college career.

Melissa C., Cold Spring, New York, October 2013

May 6, 2016
“No convictions. I owe him my life”
When I was younger I could not stay out of trouble. I was always getting arrested. I defaulted from several cases in Massachusetts and in the early 1990’s I moved out of state to avoid going to jail. I knew that someday this would catch up to me. It did. I went to renew my driver’s license and they told me that I had 6 cases in Massachusetts. I didn’t even remember some of them. I called Mr. Neyman’s office and told him about my problems. He went from court to court with me and removed my defaults. Even though some of the judges wanted to put me in jail for skipping town Mr. Neyman talked them out of it. We then worked out every one of these cases. No convictions. I owe him my life.

Roberto J., formerly of Massachusetts

May 3, 2016
“We went to trial and won”
I was charged with trafficking cocaine. I was home alone with my child and the police came with a search warrant and found a kilo of cocaine stuffed in my baby’s mattress. I looked around to hire lawyers and nobody wanted to hear my story. They all told me that best I could do was plea bargain and get less years and that I was going to lose my baby. Another lawyer said if I wanted to go to trial I would probably lose. I found Mr. Neyman through another lawyer who told me he was the only one he knew who could win a case like this. We went to trial and win. He saved me fifteen years mandatory in state prison for this case. I love him and I am always grateful.

A.C., Boston, Massachusetts

April 18, 2016
“We won the case and I kept my job. I would recommend Mr. Neyman to anyone for a criminal case”
I got arrested for drunk driving and was facing termination at work. My boss told me that I could keep my job until my case went to trial but if I lost I would be done. My union rep told me to call Steve Neyman. From the get go I felt comfortable with him. He took the time to talk to me about my case whenever I needed and constantly reassured me that we had a good defense. He even gave me his personal cell number and took all my calls. We won the case and I kept my job. I would recommend Mr. Neyman to anyone for any criminal case.

Bart L. S.

April 8, 2016
“Steve is the best at what he does”
I never in my wildest dreams thought that I would need the services of criminal defense lawyer until my son called me from a jail cell near Boston. He is a college student who got charged with a very serious sex crime. We heard about Mr. Neyman from a very trusted family friend who had a relative charged with a similar crime years before. Mr. Neyman was able to get to court the very next day and get my son released from jail. I knew right away that we hired the right lawyer. Ultimately the case was dismissed. Steve is the best at what he does and I am so grateful for his hard work. I made the right choice hiring him.

Margaret M.,

April 1, 2016
“I should have hired Mr. Neyman years ago”
A couple of years ago I represented myself on what I thought was a small case. I was able to walk out of the courthouse so I thought I won. I didn’t realize what I actually got myself into. I had to pay fines, report to probation and I had a criminal record. I lost my job and got behind on my house payments. I then neglected my probationary obligations and a warrant for my arrest went out. I hired Stephen Neyman to help me out. He was fantastic. He got rid of the warrant and the fines. I should have hired Mr. Neyman years ago.

James Cansisius, Newburyport, Massachusetts

March 22, 2016
“We called Stephen Neyman. He got out son out of jail”
My wife and I dropped our son off at college in Boston. It was his freshman year. Two days later we got a call from his roommate that he had just been arrested for selling drugs and that he was in jail. We called Stephen Neyman. He got our son out of jail within a few hours. We hired him for the case. Mr. Neyman got him out of this without a record. We thought for sure he was going to go to jail. Thanks Steve for all of your help. As you know our son has now graduated college and is working in the securities business in New York. This would not have happened without you.

Shepard G., a profoundly grateful father

March 14, 2016
“The best criminal defense lawyer in Massachusetts”
The best criminal defense lawyer in Massachusetts. Takes all of his client’s calls at any time of the day or night. He was always there for me and my family. Steve saved my life.

Jacquille D., Brockton, Massachusetts

March 7, 2016
“Stephen Neyman Got My Old Conviction Vacated”
I made a terrible mistake when I was younger and got caught selling drugs. I kept this from my parents and went to court and handled things on my own. That was a mistake that haunted me for years. Every time I went to get a new job I had to explain this situation. I was in a situation that I thought I could never get out of. My girlfriend told me about Attorney Neyman. She said that he helped her brother out of a serious drug case several years ago. Her family was told by other lawyers that the case was hopeless. Mr. Neyman went to trial and won. So I called him. I was impressed with the information he gave me and I hired him. In less than two months Stephen Neyman got my old conviction vacated. I now have no criminal record. I recommend anyone who gets in trouble to use him. The best lawyer around.

Paul W., Boston, Massachusetts

February 26, 2016
“There is no better criminal attorney than Stephen Neyman”
I had never been in trouble with the law before. I was pulled over for drunk driving one night after having just a few drinks. The cop was aggressive with me, accused me of being drunk and arrested me without giving me a breathalyzer test or any field sobriety tests. I was arraigned the next day and got a copy of the police report. I couldn’t believe what I read. It was full of lies. My college roommate told me about Stephen Neyman and said I should give him a call. He met with me that night. He went over the report with me and showed me where the officer messed up and that he thought he had a shot at getting the case dismissed. He was right. He filed some papers and had a hearing. He showed the judge how the officer had lied and my case got dismissed. Fantastic lawyer! If you get in trouble use him.


February 4, 2016
“I recommend criminal defense attorney Stephen Neyman”
I was arrested for soliciting a prostitute in Boston. I was working towards my doctorate in engineering and I was not a citizen at the time. I thought for sure that this would be the end of my life in this country. My brother-in-law who lived in Virginia at that time recommended that I talk to Mr. Neyman. This was the best advice I ever got. All of the charges were dismissed. I was able to continue with my education and eventually get citizenship and live my dream. I couldn’t have done this without Mr. Neyman.

Satinder P., software engineer, now living in South Carolina

January 26, 2016
“Attorney Neyman got all charges dropped”
My husband was looking at a mandatory fifteen year sentence. Every lawyer we talked to said the same thing: “plead guilty and cut your losses”. That was unacceptable advice. My husband was innocent and a successful businessman. We found Steve through a friend who had used him in the past. We never even had to go to trial. Mr. Neyman got all charges dropped after filing motions that the district attorney was unable to respond to. There is no better criminal lawyer in Massachusetts than Stephen Neyman and anyone reading this should just stop now and hire him.

Natasha S., wife and mother, Wellesley, Massachusetts

January 13, 2016
“Stephen Neyman is the best lawyer in Massachusetts”
I got a call late one night from the police telling me that they had my son in custody. No one in my family had ever been in trouble before. That was the worst night of my life. My son had been charged with sexual assault and they would not let me bail him out. My wife got a hold of Mr. Neyman almost right away and the next morning he was in court, meeting with me and my wife. He convinced the judge to release my son and to permit him to go back to school. Anytime we had a question Steve returned our calls. He comforted us every step of the way. His investigator was great as well. Within a few months he got all charges dropped. I would recommend Mr. Neyman to anyone who needs a criminal defense attorney in Massachusetts.

Johnny and Melissa T., Westford, Massachusetts


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