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Pretrial probation pursuant to G.L. c. 276 §87 for man charged with Assault and Battery, Intimidation of a Witness, Threatening to Commit a Crime and Malicious Destruction of Property Over $250
Waltham District Court: According to a detailed Weston, Massachusetts police report, on September 16, 2013 a motorist called the police after observing a woman walking in a troubled manner. The woman was barefoot, holding her right side and in severe pain. She had a bruised nose and a bloody lip. She reported that the defendant fought with her over a cell phone and computer during which he threw the items at her, hitting her, causing injury and damaging other property in the home. The defendant threatened to kill her if she called the police. The police interviewed the defendant who, in essence, gave the same story as the victim. Charges were brought. Today, Attorney Neyman was able to get pretrial probation for all charges. Everything will be dismissed upon the completion of unsupervised probation.