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Charges of Assault and Battery on a Police Officer, Disorderly Conduct, Disturbing the Peace and Resisting Arrest against Connecticut woman dismissed.
Fall River District Court: On February 13, 2011 members of the Fall River Police Department responded to a call about a loud party. When the officers knocked on the door they were met by a man who was somewhat hostile and confrontational. As the investigation continued gunshots were heard and the officer called for backup. The officers entered the home were accosted by several males. As they tried to subdue their attackers several females jumped on the officers and began to assault them. Pepper spray was used to quiet the combatants. Arrests were made and two of the women involved hired Attorney Stephen Neyman. Today, we were able to get all charges dismissed outright with the exception of the resisting arrest charge. That count was resolved by pre-trial probation under G.L. c. 276 §87. Provided the women remain free of criminal legal trouble for a year these charges will also be dismissed.