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Motion to Suppress Illegal Search and Seizure of car and its occupants allowed after hearing
Lawrence District Court: On Friday, September 3, 2010 members of the Andover, Massachusetts police department drug unit were patrolling parking lots off of Route 93. The officers had been involved in several investigations involving narcotics activities in that area. At around 7:00 p.m. the officers saw a car parked with the defendant in the driver’s side. For several minutes he remained in the car, never going into the establishment adjacent to the lot. Another car arrived. The defendant’s vehicle signaled by pumping brake lights several times. The driver of the second vehicle entered our client’s car. Officers believed a drug transaction was occurring. They exited their car and approached our client and the person seated in the passenger seat. The police officers demanded that they get out of the car and conducted a search. Our client was found in possession of cocaine and marijuana. Attorney Neyman moved to suppress on the grounds that the Search and Seizure was a violation of our client’s constitutional rights. The motion was allowed the drugs were suppressed.