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Drunk driving charges dismissed on day of trial
Brighton District Court # 08-0391. Massachusetts State Police alleged that on March 15, 2008 at 11:15 p.m. the defendant was pulled over at an OUI roadblock or sobriety checkpoint. The driver, a New York man was identified and ordered to produce his license and registration. The trooper responsible for the investigation detected an odor of alcohol and asked our client how many drinks he had the evening. He supposedly responded that he had four beers. The trooper further observed the defendants’ speech to be low, thick and slurred. He was unable to adequately perform the “finger-to-nose”, “one-legged-stand” and “heel-to-toe” field sobriety tests. The man refused to take a breathalyzer test and he was arrested. Today, the day of trial Attorney Neyman succeeded in getting the charges dismissed in their entirety.