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Alcohol charges dismissed and probation surrender proceedings terminated against Marlborough man
Marlborough District Court Docket Numbers: 99-1043 and 98-2013. In 1998 the defendant was charged with two counts of distributing marijuana. The case was continued without a finding requiring the defendant to remain free from trouble for eighteen months. The judge imposed an alternative sentence of at least 6 months in jail and up to 18 months in jail if the defendant violated the terms of his probation. The defendant did in fact violate probation by failing to complete a program, paying the fines that were imposed and by failing to report to his probation officer. He also picked up a new case, being a minor in possession of alcohol. The defendant remained in default for nearly 10 years. He surrendered himself and retained our office to defend the criminal accusations he faced. Attorney Neyman succeeded in getting the probation officer to agree to terminate probation provided the defendant pay the outstanding fines. We also succeeded in getting the alcohol charges dismissed outright.