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Charges of negligent operation of a motor vehicle and leaving the scene of an accident dismissed against Boston businessman
Dedham District Court # 07-1077. On March 16, 2007 a local police officer responded to a dispatch reporting a motor vehicle crash where the driver left the scene. The car struck and severed a telephone pole and the license plate of the car remained at the scene. Local police traced the plate to the defendant who lived a few miles away. The police accident reconstruction determined that the vehicle ran off the right shoulder, running down a traffic warning sign and striking the telephone pole. It was further concluded that the vehicle crossed into the oncoming travel lane for one hundred seventy two (172) feet after which the defendant drove to his home without stopping in violation of Massachusetts law. Police contacted the man who admitted operating the vehicle. Emanating from his person was the odor of an alcoholic beverage, he was unsteady on his feet and his eyes were blurry and bloodshot. Attorney Neyman succeeded in getting the leaving the scene charged dismissed. The negligent operation charge was resolved by continuing the case without a finding for one year. Provided the client commits no crimes in the next year this charge will be dismissed as well.