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Arraignment Continued and Pretrial Diversion Recommended for Non-Citizen Accused of Assault By Means of a Dangerous Weapon
The defendant is a non-citizen working on her Master’s degree at a local university. Several weeks ago she and a roommate had been arguing incessantly about aspects of their living situation. In reality, the “victim” wanted our client to vacate their apartment and continue to pay her share of the rent. Once it was understood that this would not happen the roommate accused our client of throwing a computer modem at her. Our client was charged with assault by means of a dangerous weapon in violation of G.L. c. 265 Section 15B, a felony in Massachusetts. Attorney Neyman convinced the prosecutor to continue the arraignment and to recommend pretrial diversion under G.L. c. 276A. If the defendant is accepted into the diversion program the case will be dismissed prior to arraignment.
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