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Charges of Strangulation Dismissed and Domestic Assault and Battery to be Dismissed
The defendant owns several companies that sell medical implant devices to doctors and hospitals. In January of 2017 the defendant was in Boston with his wife. They were staying at a luxury hotel downtown. Shortly after midnight guests at the adjacent room called hotel security complaining of noise and a possible fight in the defendant’s room. A hotel security office went to the room and contacted the defendant’s wife who was crying and visibly shaken. In front of the defendant the wife told hotel security that her husband choked her, hit her and threw her on the bed. She repeated the statements to the responding police officers. Attorney Neyman was hired to represent the defendant on charges of domestic assault and battery, G.L. c. 265 Section 13M and strangulation or suffocation, G.L. c. 265 Section 15D. Today, the strangulation count was dismissed and the domestic assault and battery was continued without a finding for six months after which that count will also be dismissed.
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