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Not Guilty Jury Verdict in OUI Case for Twenty Eight Year Old Brockton Man
According to two Boston Police officers on August 25, 2013 just after 2:30 a.m. a scuffle broke out near a downtown nightclub. One of the parties involved was the defendant, a Brockton man who had been at the club. The man got into his car, fled the scene, screeching his tires and ended up crashing into a parking garage. All of this occurred within a couple hundred feet from the scuffle. The police then detained the man and put him through several field sobriety tests; the walk and turn test, the one legged stand test, the horizontal gaze nystagmus test and the finger to nose test. The man failed all of these tests. He then tried to bribe one of the officers to let him go. He admitted to being drunk as well. Attorney Neyman tried the case yesterday and today. The jury returned a verdict of not guilty.