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Pretrial Diversion for Two Men Charged With Sex for a Fee
The defendants are unrelated. In the summer of 2017 both of these men were caught up in a sting operation involving the solicitation of “Johns” for sexual services. Members of the Boston Police Department Human Trafficking task force ran the operation. An advertisement was placed on the Internet on backpage.com. It sought customers for sexual services. The ad provided a cell phone number as the sole method of contact. These men and others contacted the number and negotiated a price for specific sexual services. A meeting place was identified. Once the men reached the designated meeting location they were stopped by undercover police officers. The officers would call take the customer’s cell phone and call it to make sure they had the person who wanted the services. Once that was established arrests were made and the men were charged with violating G.L. c. 252 Section 53A. Attorney Neyman was hired by these men and several others involved in this sting. Today, Attorney Neyman succeeded in getting pretrial diversion under G.L. c. 276A for both defendants. They will have no criminal record.
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