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Pretrial Probation for Non-Citizen Engineer Charged with Sex for a Fee
On July 17, 2017 detectives from the Human Trafficking Unit conducted an undercover online investigation into illegal sexual services being offered for a fee. Detectives posed as female prostitutes in an online capacity. They were ultimately contacted by the defendant and others soliciting sex. The operation was conducted through a backpage.com advertisement. The defendant was directed to a particular location where he was met by the undercover officers. They called his cell phone, the same phone he was using to solicit the sexual services. The defendant then agreed to provide the officers with his phone. On it they located the texts of the negotiations he had been having for the sexual services. He was arrested and charged with sex for a fee in violation of G.L. c. 272 Section 53a. Since the man is not a citizen anything short of pretrial probation could result in his deportation. Today Attorney Neyman was able to get him pretrial probation pursuant to G.L. c. 276 Section 87. All charges will be dismissed in October.
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