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Charges of Domestic Assault and Battery to be Dismissed Against Local Graduate Student
Our client is in the process of obtaining a PhD from a prestigious local university. On June 30, 2017 members of the Cambridge Police Department responded to a call for an assault. They arrived and spoke with an independent witness, the alleged victim and our client, the defendant. Their investigation led them to conclude that our client and her husband were having an argument fueled by irrational jealousy and alcohol. The woman allegedly struck and bit her husband during the course of the dispute. Officers observed red marks and bite marks on the complainant and photographed these observations to preserve as evidence. The woman was arrested and charged with domestic assault and battery under G.L. c. 265 Section 13M. Attorney Neyman was hired. Today, our office secured pretrial probation under G.L. c. 276 Section 87. The case will be dismissed in 9 months and the woman will have no criminal record.
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