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Charges of Assault and Battery Against Local Actor do not Issue After Contested Clerk Magistrate Hearing
The defendant is an actor from Massachusetts. He now lives in Southern California. In May of this year he was visiting friends and family. A local bar was rented out for the event. Much of the evening was spent outside of the bar in an attached tent. A passerby started yelling at the man making lewd comments about his girlfriend. The defendant left the tent area to confront the man. After a brief argument the actor punched the man several times in the face. The police arrived. A summons for a clerk magistrate charging assault and battery under G.L. c. 265 Section 13A was issued to our client. Attorney Stephen Neyman represented the defendant at the clerk’s hearing. After a contentious hearing the magistrate ruled that no complaint would issue. If anything, the “victim” was the aggressor and if charges were to issue they would issue against him. The case was dismissed.
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