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Charges of Assault and Battery by Means of a Dangerous Weapon, Domestic Assault and Battery and Threats Against Financier Dismissed Prior to Arraignment
Our client is the CEO of a New York based corporation that finances commercial construction projects. For the past eight months he has been working on a project in Boston. Several weeks ago he was in his penthouse apartment preparing for work. A former girlfriend arrived, uninvited and asked if the two could talk. The defendant reluctantly agreed. The woman quickly tried to get our client to reconsider their breakup. He refused, telling her that he had moved on. The two had been broken up for over a year. The women started to plead with him. He asked her to leave. The woman then began to scream and fled the apartment screaming to the doorman for help. The police were called. The woman claimed that our client attacked her with a knife in the hallway outside of his home. She also claimed that he hit her in the elevator and that he threatened to kill her if she ever came back. The man was charged with domestic assault and battery G.L. c. 265 section 13M, assault with a dangerous weapon G.L. c. 265 section 15B and threatening to commit a crime G.L. c. 272 section 2. Attorney Neyman was hired. Realizing the damage that would be caused should these charges become public we continued the arraignment. Our office was able to access security footage that proved the woman had fabricated her story. Our investigator was also able to obtain information showing that the woman had planned and staged this event. All charges were dismissed prior to arraignment.
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