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Charges of Domestic Assault and Battery Against Graduate Student Dismissed
Our client is in graduate school in New York City studying at a top 10 university. In September of this year, police in a Boston suburb were dispatched for a report of a domestic assault and battery. Upon arrival, they met with the victim whose face was scratched significantly. The victim told the officers that his wife, that the defendant had scratched him during a heated argument. An independent witness corroborated the story. The woman was arrested, booked and charged with domestic assault and battery under G.L. c. 265 section 13M. The defendant is not a citizen but is in the process of applying for citizenship. Anything short of a dismissal would likely destroy her efforts and obtaining citizenship and possibly result in deportation. She hired Attorney Neyman. Taking some prophylactic measures; i.e. completing a certified batterer’s program and having the support of the victim, our office succeeded in getting all charges dismissed.
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