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Charges of Domestic Assault and Battery Against Non-Citizen Dismissed
On September 20, 2020 police were dispatched to an apartment complex for a report of a domestic disturbance. They were met by the victim who was the wife of our client. She was the person who made the 911 call. The wife claimed that the defendant complained about the quality of her cooking which in turn caused the two to argue. After an exchange of verbal assaults our client pushed the victim. The pushing continued and prompted the victim to make the call to the police. According to the police report our client did not refute the accusations. He was arrested and charged with domestic assault and battery under G.L. c. 265 section 13M. He immediately retained our office. Our client is a non-citizen so in order to avoid the possibility of deportation the case needed to be dimissed. Today, all charges were dismissed.
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