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Charges of Domestic Assault and Battery Against Non-Citizen Graduate Student Dismissed
Our client is working on her PhD at a local top 10 university. In December of 2020 she and her boyfriend got into an argument in their suburban Boston apartment. The argument escalated and became physical. The police were called by another roommate. When they arrived they spoke with the defendant and the victim. The victim had cuts on his face. He complained that his girlfriend, our client struck him during the argument. Our client was also interviewed. She admitted that there was an argument but she refused to comment on the specifics. She was arrested and charged with one count of domestic assault and battery under G.L. c. 265 section 13M. Attorney Stephen Neyman was hired. Recognizing the “victim” had a Fifth Amendment privilege we quickly scheduled a trial date for today. The victim appeared, asserted his privilege and the case was dismissed.
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