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Charges of Domestic Assault and Battery Against Non-Citizen Medical Resident Dismissed
On February 14, 2021 a woman called her ex-boyfriend asking him to come over for dinner and possibly renew their relationship. The meeting did not go well. Within minutes the two started arguing. During the argument the defendant took the woman’s cell phone. She tried to grab the phone. He then elbowed her in the lip. She tried to exit the apartment but he pulled her back in. She ran into her son’s bedroom, locked the door and escaped through a window. She ran to a neighbor’s house. The neighbor called the police. The police located the defendant, arrested him and charged him with domestic assault and battery G.L. c. 265 section 13M and intimidation of a witness G.L.c. 268 section 13B. Today was the trial date. All charges were dismissed.
Read More in Intimidation of a Witness