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Charges of Domestic Assault and Battery Against Restaurant Owner Dismissed
On August 10, 2019 the police responded to an emergency call for a domestic assault and battery. They were met by a man who claimed that his boyfriend of several years was drunk and had hit him in the face several times. The officers observed bruising and cuts on the face of the victim. They located the defendant, a restaurant owner who was in an obvious state of intoxication. He did not deny the allegations. Instead, the defendant tried to excuse his conduct claiming that his partner was the person who was impaired and that he was acting in self defense. The police did not detect any odor of alcohol on the victim nor did they see anything that would corroborate the defendant’s version of the events. The defendant was arrested and charged with G.L. c. 265 Section 13M. Attorney Neyman was retained. Today, our office was able to get all charges dismissed.
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