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Charges of Improper Storage of a Firearm and Domestic Assault and Battery Along With Other Crimes Against War Veteran to be Dismissed
Our client is a war veteran with over ten year military service who served in Iraq. In February of 2020 the man was at home drinking with his wife and father-in-law. A verbal dispute between the man his wife erupted. She called the police and left the home. Officers arrived to find our client inebriated and with a gun on a table, near him and unsecured. The man confessed to having additional firearms in the home. He further told the police that one of his firearms was missing and that it had been stolen from his car. Due to his level of intoxication and the severity of the crime the police arrested him. He was charged with improper storage of a firearm under G.L. c. 140 Section 131L and filing false police report relative to the stolen weapon. This is a crime under G.L. 269 Section 13A. Later that evening the wife appeared. She was battered and bruised and claimed that our client had struck her earlier in the evening. That was corroborated by her father who was present for the incident. An additional charge of domestic assault and battery under G.L. c. 265 section 13M was filed. Today, notwithstanding the severity of these charges, and a strong request from the district attorney’s office that our client serve a jail sentence Attorney Neyman was able to get the judge to continue the cases without a finding .
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