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Charges of Interfering With a Police Investigation Dismissed
Our client is a professional living in a Boston suburb. Last September he was visiting with a friend. A woman arrived at the home driven by a friend. The friend did not go into the home. Rather, he waited in his car, parked near the home our client was visiting. Seeing the occupied car, a concerned neighbor called the police. They questioned the driver. His answers were evasive. He indicated that he dropped a friend off at a house next to where he was parked and was waiting for her. The police went to the house and looked into a window. They observed what they believed to be people ingesting cocaine. They entered the home. Our client was in the bathroom. The police demanded that he come out of the bathroom. He flushed the toilet before doing so. The officers observed an item going down the toilet they believed to be drugs. They were unable to collect the object and charged our client with interfering with a police investigation in violation of G.L. c. 268 Section 13E. Attorney Neyman was hired. He filed a motion to dismiss that was ultimately agreed to by the district attorney’s office. The case was dismissed.
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