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Charges of Minor in Possession of Alcohol and Procuring Alcohol for a Minor and Falsifying Identification do not Issue After Clerk Magistrate Hearing
The defendant is under the age of 21 and going into his sophomore year in college. On April 5, 2019 local law enforcement agents were conducting surveillance of a liquor store known to sell to minors. The officers observed the defendant exit a car and go into the store. The car in which he was traveling was registered to a college student at a local campus. That student was a minor. According to the police report the person exiting the car appeared young as well. The officers saw the defendant leave the store with a large bag. They approached him and learned that he had just purchased a significant amount of alcohol. When asked how he was able to buy the defendant produced a falsified driver’s license. Officers learned that he was under the age of 21 and that he was buying for under aged persons as well. The defendant received a summons charging him with minor in possession G.L. c. 138 Section 34C, procuring alcohol for a minor G.L. c. 138 section 34A and having in his possession an altered or falsified identification under G.L. c. 138 section 34B. Attorney Stephen Neyman was hired to represent the defendant. After a contentious clerk magistrate hearing we were able to convince the clerk magistrate not to issue the complaint.
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