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Charges of OUI and OUI Serious Bodily Injury Dismissed
The prosecution alleged that in December of last year, our client was operating a car in a grossly negligent manner while under the influence of alcohol. The evidence showed that our client drove his car into the woods, striking a tree and injuring the passenger, his best friend. Police officers reported that our client was unsteady on his feet, that his breath smelled of alcohol and that he need to use the guardrail to support himself. Video evidence showed otherwise. Nevertheless, our client was charged with OUI under G.L. c. 90 section 24, negligent operation of a motor vehicle, also a violation of G.L. c. 90 section 24 and OUI with serious bodily injury under G.L. c. 90 section 24L. This last charge carries a mandatory minimum 6 month jail sentence. Today, Attorney Neyman was able to get all charges dismissed.
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