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Charges of OUI Drugs and Negligent Operation of a Motor Vehicle Dismissed on Day of Trial
Our client is a 74 year old woman with no criminal history at all. Back in February of this year the woman was involved in a minor motor vehicle accident. No one was injured. The police interviewed our client and the driver of the other car. Our client stated that she has just come from having dinner with her daughter in law and that she had one glass of wine with dinner. The officers offered her a breathalyzer test. She took it and passed. They then asked her if she had any medications. She identified the prescription medications she had been on. She was arrested and charged with OUI drugs, G.L. c. 90 Section 24 and negligent operation under G.L. c. 90 Section 24 as well. Attorney Neyman was hired. We retained a drug recognition expert who clearly opined that the prosecution of this case was unjust. We scheduled the case for trial and all charges were dismissed outright.
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