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Charges of Rape and Kidnapping Dismissed Prior to Arraignment
The defendant is a medical doctor who is married with several children. He lives outside of Massachusetts. Over the summer he was in Massachusetts attending a convention. It was the only time he had been in this state. Weeks later he received a call from a detective asking him questions about his activities in Massachusetts at the time of the convention. The detective’s tone was accusatory, demeaning and vague. The doctor did the right thing in this case and refused to speak with the detective, instead contacting our office for advice. Attorney Neyman was hired. Our discussions with the police detective disclosed that a woman had claimed that the weekend of the convention she met our client at a reception. She claimed that she went to his room in the hotel and while in the room he would not let her leave. The woman further complained that while in the room our client coerced the woman into performing oral sex on him. Our client subsequently received a summons charging him with rape, G.L. c. 265 Section 22 and kidnapping, G.L. c. 265 Section 26. Our client denied all allegations. We hired an investigator. Through security videos, witness interviews and receipts we were able to show that our client had absolutely no contact with this woman. Consequently, this information was presented to the appropriate authorities and all charges were withdrawn prior to arraignment.
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