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Charges of Unarmed Burglary and Felony Malicious Destruction to Property Dismissed Prior to Arraignment
The defendant is a software engineer in his early twenties. In late December he was in an argument with a former girlfriend. She asked him to leave her house. He did. He then went out to several bars, got drunk and in the early morning hours went back to her home. He made a forced entry into the home by breaking down the front door. A neighbor heard the noise and saw the man entering the home. The police were called and the defendant was arrested and charged with unarmed burglary under G.L. c. 266 Section 15 and malicious destruction to property over $1,200 in violation of G.L. c. 266 Section 127. Attorney Neyman was retained to represent the man. Our office had information that our client may have been drugged. Following up on that lead we had him tested. Date rape drugs, probably intended for someone else were found in his system. Our toxicology expert provided a report, evaluation and analysis consistent with our client lacking the criminal intent to commit these acts. The district attorney’s office accepted this representation as did the victim and all agreed to this case being dismissed prior to arraignment.
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