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Complaint Charging Two Counts of Distributing Harmful Matter to a Minor Against Oil Worker Dismissed
Our client is an oil worker who lives and works in Louisiana. In December of 2020 members of an internet crimes task force focusing on the exploitation of children were conducting an investigation. The purpose of the investigation was to locate social media platforms being used to lure children into unlawful sexual activities. The task force identified a man, the defendant, masturbating and ejaculating and sending the video through social media to people purporting to be underaged girls. He was charged with disseminating obscene matter to a minor G.L. c. 272 section 28 and distribution of obscene matter under G.L. c. 272 section 29. These are both felonies and would require sex offender registration upon a conviction. Louisiana also charged the man with similar crimes under its statute. The defendant pleaded to a sentencing of probation in Louisiana. We were able to get the charges in Massachusetts dismissed.
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