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Construction Worker Charged With Rape of a Child and Indecent Assault and Battery on a Person Under the Age of Fourteen Found Not Guilty After Trial
The defendant is a construction worker around 60 years old. His wife ran a daycare in the family home. Over three years ago the facility shut down after the owner’s husband, our client was accused of raping and sexually assaulting sisters ages three and six. Here is what was alleged. In January of 2020 the father of the girls picked the children up from daycare. On the ride home, the three year old told her father that our client digitally penetrated her that day. The next day, the older sister made a similar complaint to her mother. The police were notified. The children were taken to the hospital where they were examined. Police conducted recorded interviews of the complaining witnesses and their parents, the first complaint witnesses. The district attorney’s office conducted a forensic interview (SAIN) with both victims. After the investigation our client was charged with rape of a child, two counts in violation of G.L. c. 265 section 22. Several months ago we were able to get one of the counts, the one pertaining to the younger victim dismissed. The second case was reduced by the district attorney’s office to an indecent assault and battery on a child under the age of fourteen, G.L. c. 265 section 13B. We went to trial on that. Today, the jury found our client not guilty of these charges.
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