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Continuance Without a Finding in Superior Court for Woman Charges With Accessory After the Fact Involving a Firearm
About two and a half years ago a fight broke out at a bar in a large Massachusetts city. The fight ended when shots were fired. Video footage gained from the crime scene showed two men accompanied by our client enter and exit the bar. The men were identified as possessing firearms and one of them was identified as the shooter. Social media apps were accessed through informants and a search warrant as well. These convincingly linked our client to these men at the time when they possessed the weapons. They further showed our client driving these individuals from the crime scene. Accordingly, our client was charged with being an accessory after the fact under G.L. c. 274 section 4, a felony in Massachusetts. We succeeded in getting the judge to continue the case without a finding (CWOF). After a successful completion of a period of probation the case will be dismissed and can be sealed immediately.
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