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Domestic Assault and Battery and Felony Malicious Destruction to Property Charges Against Engineer Dismissed Prior to Arraignment
Our client is an engineer and operations manager at an aviation manufacturing facility in Massachusetts. A few months ago he and his girlfriend began arguing over suspected infidelity. The girlfriend had been drinking and as the argument progressed she became enraged. She began striking our client, throwing household objects at him and screaming at him loud enough to cause neighbors to their home alarm. The police were called and the woman claimed that our client had struck her and caused the damage to the household items. The police arrested our client and charges were filed against him. He hired Attorney Neyman to represent him. We were able to get the arraignment continued long enough to conduct our own investigation of the incident. Through witnesses and videotape evidence we were able to demonstrate that our client was not responsible for that at all and that the girlfriend had fabricated the charges of domestic assault and battery under G.L. c. 265 Section 13M and malicious destruction to property under G.L. c. 266 Section 127. In fact, she had committed these offenses. Accordingly, we succeeded in getting all charges dismissed prior to arraignment.
Read More in G.L. c. 266 Section 127