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Domestic Assault and Battery Charges Against Store Manager Dismissed
The defendant is the manager of a large supermarket chain located throughout the Northeast. The victim is his wife of over twenty years. Recently the couple has been involved in several altercations with the police needing to respond. On this occasion the wife called 911. The call was chilling. The police arrived, ultimately located the defendant and arrested him, charging domestic assault and battery under G.L. c. 265 Section 13M and intimidation of a witness under G.L. c. 268 Section 13B. The prosecution moved that our client be held without bail under G.L. c. 276 Section 58A. Their request was allowed and the family hired our office. We were able to successfully appeal the 58A detention order and secure our client’s release from custody. We moved for a quick trial date and on that date succeeded in getting the case dismissed.
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