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Drug Possession Case Dismissed After Completion of Diversion Program and Dismissal of Motor Vehicle Crimes
The defendant is a business owner in central Massachusetts. In November of 2019 she was stopped for operating a motor vehicle that was unregistered and uninsured. The status of the vehicle required it to be towed. During an inventory search the police found methamphetamine, a class B drug in the center console. The operator was arrested and charged with operating uninsured G.L. c. 90 section 34J, operating a motor vehicle with a suspended registration under G.L. c. 90 section 23 and possession of a class B drug in violation of G.L. c. 94C section 34. Our office was hired to represent the defendant. We were able to get the motor vehicle crime dismissed. The prosecutor and the judge agreed to place the defendant in a diversion program under G.L. c. 276A for the drug possession crime. A successful completion of this program will result in a dismissal.
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