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Intimidation of a Witness Case Dismissed Against Music Producer, Armed Career Criminal Charge Dismissed, Charges of Possession of Ammunition and Possession With Intent to Distribute Marijuana Continued Without a Finding
On May 18, 2013 officers from the Charlton, Massachusetts police stopped a car our client was driving. They claimed he committed a routine motor vehicle infraction. The driver and his passenger quickly jumped out of the car. One of the officers detected a strong odor of marijuana coming from the car. He asked our client for a copy of his registration. Our client opened the car door and locked the keys in the car. He refused to provide his registration or to cooperate with the police investigation. A canine unit was called. The dog hit on the car. A state police officer then applied for a search warrant. In the trunk of the car officers found marijuana and an arsenal of shotgun shells. The defendant was charged with 1) intimidation of a witness, 2) possession of ammunition, 3) possession with the intent to distribute marijuana and 4) being an armed career criminal. Attorney Neyman was able to get counts 1 and 4 dismissed. Counts 2 and 3 were continued without a finding and will be dismissed once the defendant completes a period of probation.