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Felony Charges of Larceny Over $1,200 and Malicious Destruction to Property Over $1,200 Dismissed
The defendant lives in Southeastern Massachusetts. In April of 2018 police were called to his ex-girlfriend’s house. She was crying and told the officers that the defendant had entered her home stole several thousand dollars cash from her home, destroyed expensive appliances and wrote obscenities in lipstick on her walls. The police arrested the defendant and charged him with larceny over $1,200 and malicious destruction to property over $1,200. Both of these crimes are felonies in violation of G.L. c. 266 Section 30 and G.L. c. 266 Section 127 respectively. Several motions hearings and pretrial hearings were conducted at which we were able to require the prosecution to provide additional evidence. Those hearings resulted in an inability of the district attorney to prove our client’s guilty and ultimately forced a dismissal of the case. All charges were dismissed.
Read More in G.L. c 266 Section 127