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Felony Charges of Malicious Destruction to Property do not Issue After Clerk Magistrate Hearing
The defendant is a medical doctor living south of Boston. On November 25, 2018 members of a suburban police department were dispatched to the defendant’s plush apartment building. There they were met by two tenants who told them that they had an expensive piece of furniture delivered to their home. They were not present for the delivery and the furniture was left in a hallway near their unit. The defendant owned an abutting unit. He apparently told the police that since the furniture was blocking access to his door. Consequently, in a fit of anger he destroyed the property. He was charged with violating G.L. c. 266 Section 127, malicious destruction to property over $1,200. He was afforded a clerk magistrate hearing. Today, our office prevailed on the clerk magistrate not to issue the complaint. The case was dismissed.
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