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Felony Gun Charges Requiring Prison Sentence Reduced to Non-Mandatory Misdemeanor
Our client is a college graduate working in the entertainment industry. He owned a firearm that lawfully purchased outside of Massachusetts however when he moved to Massachusetts he never properly registered the weapon. About six months ago he was hiking in a forest while in possession of the weapon. This is something that he had done regularly in the state where he purchased the firearm. Another hiker observed the weapon on our client and when he was able to get a cell signal he alerted the local police. They responded quickly. They questioned our client and when they learned that he did not have a license to carry he was arrested and charged with possession of a gun under G.L. c. 269 Section 10(a), a felony. This law requires a mandatory eighteen months jail sentence. Attorney Stephen Neyman was hired to defend the man. Our office was able to negotiate a reduction of the charges to G.L. c. 269 10(h), a misdemeanor that does not require jail time.
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