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Heroin Possession Case Results in General Continuance and Dismissal
The defendant lives out of state. In December of 2015 he was observed by a civilian purchasing heroin and shooting up in his car in a fast food store parking lot in Haverhill, Massachusetts. The person making the observation called the police, alerting them to the direction the defendant was headed in his car after ingesting the drugs. Officers caught up to the car and made contact with the defendant. They asked him to exit the vehicle. He consented to a search of the car. Officers located drugs in the car and on the defendant’s person. He was arrested and charged with possession of heroin in a G.L. c. 94C Section 34 violation. He hired Attorney Stephen Neyman to represent him. Today, during a hearing on a motion to suppress the stop and search the prosecution, realizing the problems with its case agreed to a general continuance of the charges. The case will be dismissed in 90 days.
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