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Heroin Possession Charges Against Local Painter To Be Dismissed
The defendant is a drug user well known to local law enforcement. He has numerous prior offenses. On September 12, 2014 Andover, Massachusetts police observed a suspicious female at a gas station on River Road. She was seated in her car, not getting gas and not going into the mini-mart attached to the gas station. Officers ran the woman’s plates and found that she had numerous prior drug convictions. A few minutes later the police saw the defendant arrive and make an exchange with the woman. He provided her with some money and she gave him a small package in return. The officers recognized this activity to be consistent with drug dealing activity and approached the defendant. The officers quickly learned that the defendant had just made a purchase of heroin from the woman. He was charged with possession of heroin, a Class A drug. Today, Attorney Neyman was able to get the case continued without a finding. The case will be dismissed in six months.