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Local Businessman Found Not Guilty of OUI After Trial
Our client owns a local business specializing in athletic venue designs. He is well renowned throughout the country. In October of last year he was golfing with several friends. After finishing a round a large group went to a local bar where they had drinks and dinner. Afterwards, the group went back to the course where the defendant had left his car. On his way home he rear ended a car. A police officer in the vicinity actually heard the crash and within seconds arrived at the scene. He observed the defendant behind the wheel of his car, airbags deployed. The defendant’s speech was slurred, he had red and bloodshot eyes and he smelled of alcohol. He refused to take the breathalyzer test as well as any field sobriety tests. He was arrested and charged with OUI in violation of G.L. c. 90 section 24. Our office was hired. Today, after trial our client was found not guilty.
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