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Felony Gun Charges Dismissed
The defendant lives in New Hampshire and is licensed to carry a firearm. He does not however have a license to carry in Massachusetts. About 7 months ago he was visiting a friend in Massachusetts. He had his handgun under the passenger seat, secured as he normally did in New Hampshire. The defendant was pulled over for failing to stop at a stop sign. He was stopped by the police who asked if he had any weapons in the car. The defendant admitted that he did have a gun. The officer learned that he was not licensed in Massachusetts and an arrest was made. The defendant was charged with violating G.L. c. 269 Section 10(a). This is a felony in Massachusetts that carries a mandatory eighteen month jail sentence. Attorney Neyman was hired to represent the defendant. We were able to get the felony dismissed to a misdemeanor under G.L. c. 269 Section 10(h) and there will be no jail time.
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