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Felony Charges of Larceny Over $250 Against Non-Citizen Defendants Dismissed
The defendant is a non-citizen who has been accused of scamming elderly persons throughout the country. Our office represents this person and several of his family members on this case and other similar cases throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The scam is initiated by someone calling an elderly person claiming to be a lawyer for a grandchild. The scheme is well planned. The perpetrators know the identity of the grandchildren, their address and age. The victims are told that the grandchild is in great trouble and in need of money for bail or legal fees. Money then gets wired in the form of gift cards to a specific electronic address. There, it is accessed or retrieved by the perpetrators. Subsequently, the defendants are identified when they are videotaped using the gift cards. The charges in this case were larceny over $250, G.L. c. 266 Section 30 and receiving stolen property, G.L. c. 266 Section 60. Today, our office succeeded in getting this case dismissed.
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