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Motion to Suppress Illegal Stop Search and Seizure of Motor Vehicle Allowed
Nearly one year ago our client was observed parked illegally in his car appearing to be engaged in a drug deal. Experienced drug enforcement officers determined that their observations necessitated a confrontation with the driver and passenger. Upon approaching the car the driver, our client, made furtive gestures giving the officers concern that a drug deal was under way. When questioned by the officers the driver and passenger appeared nervous. The officers issued and exit order. Our client was searched and found in possession of a knife. The car was searched and drugs were located. Our client was charged with possession of a dangerous weapon, a felony under G.L. c. 269 Section 10(b) and two counts of possession with intent to distribute class B substances, oxycodone and cocaine, also felonies. Attorney Neyman was hired and filed a motion to suppress what we contend was illegal activity by the officers. The judge allowed the motion. All charges will be dismissed at the next court date.
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