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Motion to Suppress Unlawful Search and Seizure of a Motor Vehicle After Stopping for OUI Allowed
Our client is a well known professional throughout Massachusetts. On August 11, 2023 he was driving a rental car. He was unfamiliar with the dashboard of the vehicle and did not know that he was running out of gas. As the car started to sputter he realized the problem and pulled over on an off ramp. He called AAA for assistance. While waiting for AAA to arrive, two police officers approached him. They wrongly accused him of drunk driving. They violated his constitutional rights by searching his car without probable cause and over his expressed objection to them doing so. The officers decided to arrest him for OUI in violation of G.L. c. 90 section 24. He hired Attorney Stephen Neyman to represent him. Today, the judge allowed the motion to suppress the unlawful search and unlawful questioning of our client.
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