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Not Guilty For Accountant Charged With Indecent Assault on a Child Under the Age of 14
Our client is an accountant who now lives out of state. He was accused of having improperly touched his step daughter many years ago. The first district attorney assigned to the case decided not to prosecute the case due to a belief that the alleged victim had been unduly influenced, if not outright coerced by her grandmother to make these accusations. Years later, a less scrupulous assistant district attorney decided to revive this prosecution. She charged our client with indecent assault and battery on a child under the age of 14, a felony in Massachusetts under G.L. c. 265 section 13H. It took our office over two years to obtain the discovery in this case. It was voluminous and included DCF records, DMH records, police reports and investigative interviews. We finally got the case to trial. Attorney Neyman succeeded in getting an acquittal after a jury trial.
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