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Not Guilty Verdict for Engineer Charged With Indecent Assault and Battery on a Child Under the Age of Fourteen and Enticing a Child Under 14
Our client is an engineer living out of state at this time. Back in the summer of 2016 he was home and out of work for several months after having back surgery. The district attorney alleged that during that time, he was responsible for watching a friend’s daughter while the friend was undergoing chemotherapy. Years later the daughter claimed that during this summer our client put his hands in her bathing suit while in a pool, inappropriately touched her thigh, offered her $200 dollars to touch his penis and showed her inappropriate pornographic photographs. He was charged with indecent assault and battery on a child under the age of 14, G.L. c. 265 section 13B and enticing a minor in violation of G.L. c. 265 section 26C. It took us over two years to obtain discovery and get this case to a jury trial. We were able to show that the complaining witness lied. Our client was unable to enter a pool due to his surgical wounds. Moreover, his wife, not he, was responsible for watching the child. We were also able to show that the car the girl said this occurred in was not purchased until months after the alleged incident. The jury deliberated for two days and returned a verdict of not guilty.
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