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Not Guilty Verdict For Military Veteran Charged With Possession of Child Pornography
Our client is a military veteran. In the winter of 2019 he became involved with a woman. The two moved in to our client’s home after a couple of months of dating. The relationship became difficult as the woman wrongly suspected our client of cheating on her. Eventually, he tried to terminate the relationship. The woman would not accept this. She became violent and refused to leave the home. She started destroying his property. He contacted the police and was advised to take out a 209A restraining order. He did so. After being served with the restraining order the woman went to the police station to complain that she had found child pornography on our client’s phone. The police told her to get the phones and provide them with proof. She returned the next day with a cd disc containing 243 images of child pornography. Our client was charged with possession of child pornography in violation of G.L. c. 272 section 29C. We engaged an expert to examine the images. He concluded that the girlfriend, not our client, downloaded these images and framed him. Our expert used metadata shown to the jury on charts and graphs laying out when and how she did this. After over three years of hearings and a jury trial our client was acquitted of these charges. The jury found him not guilty earlier today.
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