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Possession With Intent to Distribute Class B Substance Cocaine Dismissed
The defendant was charged with possession with intent to distribute a class B substance, cocaine in violation of G.L. c. 94C section 32A. The man had a prior conviction and was facing state prison time. The case stemmed from a police investigation that was several months long. According to reports, the defendant was observed engaging in conversations with known drug users. Officers saw him passing objects to these people and receiving something in return. Believing this to be drugs the officers used a confidential informant to attempt to purchase from our client. The officers watched as this individual engaged in a transaction with the defendant. The officers met up with the informant and obtained the cocaine that he purportedly purchased from our client. He was arrested and charged with this crime. Our office was able to prove that the informant liked the requisite reliability. We also showed that the police did not follow proper procedures for monitoring the informant. The assistant district attorney agreed with us and did not object to our motion to dismiss.
This resolution of this case came telephonically due to the courts being closed
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